How to Make a Visual CV

  1. Getting data: You will need two pieces of information.

    1. List of your sites of education, training, work, etc. for My Professional Development Sites

    2. List of your publications for other sections. [Tip: Since we will manipulate in a spreadsheet, one way to get a PubMed search into a spreadsheet easily is to use Flink (]

  1. You already know how to do this: Generating My Publications by Journal Impact Factor using spreadsheet

    1. Look up Journal Impact Factors ( and input on publication list

    2. Categorize impact factors as desired [Warning: No health services research journals over ~5.5 while even 3rd rate medical journals are over 10]

    3. Create pivot chart of impact factors by PubDate(Year) [For interactive chart, go to 6. below]

    4. Create stacked bar chart

    5. Save or Screenshot as Picture and Crop and Resize to look nice

  1. Easy to Do: Generating Word Cloud of Publication Titles using Wordle

    1. Go to Wordle:

    2. Copy and Paste paper titles from pub list into Wordle input box

    3. Press Go and Run Java

    4. Press Randomize until it looks the way you want (or use Options I am too lazy to learn)

    5. Save Screenshot as Picture and Crop and Resize to look nice

  1. Medium: Generating My Professional Development Sites using Gephi

    1. Install

      1. Gephi (

      2. Plugins for GeoLayout and NoverlapLayout (Tools → Plugins → Available Plugins → Install)

    2. Network Node Table (Sites)

      1. Input sites in order in spreadsheet and label column as Label

      2. Give each site an id number (1 to N) and label column as Id

      3. Look up latitude and longitude of each site ( and input on sheet; label columns as Latitude and Longitude

      4. If you want to categorize sites, input categories as numbers and label column as Modularity Class

      5. Save as .csv

    3. Network Edge Table (Moves)

      1. Make copy of Network Node Table and change label of id numbers to Source; this is where you move from in each row

      2. Insert new column of id number of sites you move to (probably Source + 1) and label as Target

      3. Insert new column and give new id numbers (1001 to N); label as Id

      4. Save as .csv

    4. Import into Gephi

      1. Start as File → New Project

      2. Node Table

        1. In center view, Data Table → Import Spreadsheet → Browse to .csv file for sites

        2. Set As table: to Nodes Table and Press Next

        3. Set Latitude and Longitude format as Double and Modularity Class format as Integer; Press Finish

      3. Edge Table

        1. In center view, Data Table → Import Spreadsheet → Browse to .csv file for moves

        2. Set As table: to Edges Table and Press Next; don't need to change variable formats so Press Finish

    5. Make network diagram: In center view, pick Graph

      1. If you categorized sites, in left top, pick Ranking → Nodes → pick rank parameter as Modularity Class and Press Apply

      2. In left bottom Layout, pick Geo Layout and Press Run

      3. In center view, scroll to adjust size and tweak as desired

        1. Center view bottom button towards left can Show Node Labels

        2. Edge weight scale slider adjusts size of arrows and lines

        3. Font size scale slider adjusts font size

      4. In Layout, pick Noverlap and Press Run to prevent Nodes from overlapping

      5. In Layout, pick Label Adjust and Press Run to prevent Labels from overlapping

    6. Save Screenshot OR [For interactive chart, go to 7. below]

      1. In top, Press Preview and then in left view towards bottom, Press Refresh

      2. Tweak with options of left as desired [Tip: Uncheck Edges/Curved to show arrows; not self-evident to me that processes flow clockwise]

      3. Save as File → Export → .png (or other format if preferred)

  1. Medium: Generating My Co-Authors using Gephi

    1. Install

      1. Gephi (

      2. Plugins for NoverlapLayout (Tools → Plugins → Available Plugins → Install)

    2. Network Node Table (Colleagues)

      1. Input first authors in spreadsheet and label column as Label

      2. Give each author an id number (1 to N) and label column as Id

      3. If you want to categorize authors, input categories as numbers and label column as Modularity Class

      4. Save as .csv

    3. Network Edge Table (Co-Authorship)

      1. Input first authors of each paper and label column as Source

      2. Input authors linked to each first author on a paper and label column as Target

      3. If desired, insert column with Weight of each first author- other author relationship on a paper (I weighted 2nd authors at 3, 3rd authors at 2, and others at 1)

      4. Insert column with id numbers (1001 to N) and label column as Id

      5. Save as .csv

    4. Import into Gephi

      1. Start as File → New Project

      2. Node Table

        1. In center view, Data Table → Import Spreadsheet → Browse to .csv file for sites

        2. Set As table: to Nodes Table and Press Next

        3. Set Modularity Class format as Integer; Press Finish

      3. Edge Table

        1. In center view, Data Table → Import Spreadsheet → Browse to .csv file for moves

        2. Set As table: to Edges Table and Press Next; don't need to change variable formats so Press Finish

    5. Make network diagram: In center view, pick Graph

      1. If you weighted co-authorship, pick Ranking → Edges → pick rank parameter as Weight and Press Apply

      2. In Ranking → Nodes → pick rank parameter as Degree and Press Apply; then, Press Size/Weight jewel and Apply

      3. In left bottom Layout, pick Force Atlas, set Repulsion Strength to 10000, and Press Run

      4. In center view, scroll to adjust size and tweak as desired

        1. Center view bottom button towards left can Show Node Labels

        2. Edge weight scale slider adjusts size of arrows and lines

        3. Font size scale slider adjusts font size

      5. In Layout, pick Noverlap and Press Run to prevent Nodes from overlapping

      6. In Layout, pick Label Adjust and Press Run to prevent Labels from overlapping

    6. Save Screenshot OR [For interactive chart, go to 7. below]

      1. In top, Press Preview and then in left view towards bottom, Press Refresh

      2. Tweak with options of left as desired [Tip: Uncheck Edges/Curved to show arrows; not self-evident to me that processes flow clockwise]

      3. Save as File → Export → .png (or other format if preferred)

  2. Advanced: Generating Interactive My Publications by Journal Impact Factor using Google Charts [continuing from 2.(c) above]

    1. Insert data and edit options in html text below using Notepad; insert html text in to target webpage:



<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["corechart"]});


function drawChart() {

var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([

['Year', 'High (>10)', 'Medium (1-10)', 'Low (<1)'], <!-- Edit column labels-->

['1985', 1, 0, 0],

<!--Insert Your Data Here-->

['2014' , 0, 1, 0]


var options = {

vAxis: {title:'No. of Publications'}, <!--Edit chart title-->

hAxis: {title: 'Year'}, <!--Edit horizontal axis label-->

isStacked:true <--For regular bar chart, set to false-->


var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));

chart.draw(data, options);





<div id="chart_div" style="width: 900px; height: 500px;"></div>



  1. Advanced: Generating Interactive Gephi Output [continuing from 4.(f) or 5.(f) above]

    1. Install Gephi Plugins for SigmaExporter (Tools → Plugins → Available Plugins → Install)

    2. File → Export → Sigma.js template [This saves folder with all files needed for interactive.]

    3. If map, open /js/sigma/sigma.parseJson.js using Notepad and insert “data.nodes[i].y=-data.nodes[i].y;” after “var id=data.nodes[i].id;” [otherwise, map will be upside down]

    4. Tweak options in config.json below as desired using Notepad:


"type": "network", "version": "1.0", "data": "data.json",

"logo": {

"text": "",

"file": "", <!--Link to logo graphic if you have one-->

"link": ""


"text": {

"title": "", <!--Chart title-->

"more": "", <!--Long description of chart in pop-up box-->

"intro": "" <!--Short description of chart-->


"legend": {

"edgeLabel": "",<!--What edges represent-->

"colorLabel": "", <!--What color of nodes represents-->

"nodeLabel": "" <!--What nodes represent-->


"features": {

"search": false, <!--Include search?-->

"groupSelectorAttribute": false, "hoverBehavior": "dim"


"informationPanel": {

"imageAttribute": "Label", "groupByEdgeDirection": false


"sigma": {

"graphProperties": {

"minEdgeSize": 15, <!--Adjusts minimum line width-->

"maxNodeSize": 30, <!--Adjusts maximum node size-->

"maxEdgeSize": 15, <!--Adjusts maximum line width-->

"minNodeSize": 30 }, <!--Adjusts minimum node size-->

"drawingProperties": {

"labelThreshold": 0, <!--Minimum node size with label; “0” shows all labels-->

"hoverFontStyle": "bold", "defaultEdgeType": "curve", "defaultLabelColor": "#000",

"defaultLabelHoverColor": "#fff",

"defaultLabelSize": 20, <!--Font size of labels-->

"activeFontStyle": "bold", "fontStyle": "bold",

"defaultHoverLabelBGColor": "#002147", "defaultLabelBGColor": "#ddd"


"mouseProperties": {

"minRatio": 0.75, "maxRatio": 20


